Wednesday, April 1, 2009

From 3dub and the family in Malawi

Oh boy, here we go again. My sister and I have noticed that over the course of our lives (all 6 and a half months of them), Daddy will tend to have these stretches where should I put this...he talks a lot of trash but doesn't back it up. As a matter of fact, we've discussed it and we think his smart mouth is going to get him in trouble one of these days.
His latest foray into the world of idle threats is that he is going to trade us to a family that is looking for happy kids who don't sleep. We probably shouldn't have but we laughed in his face (well, I laughed, 4dub actually spit which I thought was a bit over the line).
As he was wiping his face off, he was muttering. I couldn't here all of it but what I did catch was:
"blah, blah, enjoy your lives...blah, blah, Malawi...blah, blah, childtrader ...blah blah."

Then he turned and looked at us and the conversation went like this:

Daddy: I've already made your profiles to trade you if needed.
3dub: You have spit on your cheek.

He started talking very quickly in a high pitched voice after this until Mommy came in and asked him not to use that language in front of us.

We're pretty sure this is an idle threat.

1 comment:

  1. You should write for a comedy show. This post was hilarious.

    OR - you should be helping Tracy with the babies. Ya know..whatever you feel is the priority.
