Thursday, March 26, 2009

Eliciting a reaction from Daddy

Daddy is an extremely reserved individual. He smiles for us all the time but actually getting an audible, sincere laugh is a tough go. I've seen him give the 'half-smile-sort-of-grunt' in order to placate people that think they made a funny but the full on laugh is a rare occurrence indeed.

We asked daddy what makes him laugh out loud and his list was kind of odd for such an intelligent person. He says that one of two things needs to happen:
1) It has to be extremely clever
2) He must be very tired
If he is tired, unnecessary swearing and over-reactions are hilarious.
What is over the top, you ask?

In Airdrie, Alberta, in January, police officers responded to a report from the Ralph McCall Elementary School that a man was standing in the yard yelling with a portable loudspeaker toward a group of frolicking kids, calling, "Girls in the field, come over to my truck, come pet my dog." When alarmed adults nearby approached him, the man quickly got in his truck and took off. [CTV (Calgary), 1-29-09]

He also likes when people 'out' themselves and accidentally reveal just how stupid/horrible they are. Daddy also seems to find indignant people (who are indignant because they got caught and not because they are falsely accused) to be quite amusing...throw in the rage and calling someone a bloodsucker? Well that's pure comedy gold, right there.

In March, a Georgia state senator proposed punishment for the 22 members of the legislature who either owed back taxes or had failed to file returns for at least one year since 2002. The 22 were not identified, in compliance with privacy laws, but the Senate's Democratic leader, Robert Brown, outed himself as one of the 22 in the course of calling his scolding colleague a "bloodsucker."
News of the of Daddy's favourite sites

We're not sure if we want daddy's sense of humour or not...for right now, we'll stick with high pitched voices, big facial expressions and bouncing around.

1 comment:

  1. You should have added in that Maman thinks it's funny when people swear, too.
