Disclaimer: Any resemblance of this purely fictional story to anything factual is purely coincidence. All characters and plot lines are completely from the imagination of our daddy.
Once upon a time, in far away land known as Insomnialis, there lived two beautiful princesses. (Incidentally, Insomnialis comes from the Greek words Insomnae and Cialis which loosely translates to English as, "Wtf are you doing awake at this hour?"...again, it's a loose translation).
Anyway, as the story goes, these two princesses lived with their evil step-parents (how did they have two step parents, you ask? it has to do with a very complicated plot of marriage, divorce and re-marriage...very messy business). Now these evil step-parents insisted on the princesses sleeping during very specific hours (often the ones after the sun had set, oddly enough) when the princesses thought that it should be their right to be awake whenever the hell they want. Well, this type of attitude didn't please the step-parents one little bit. In fact, they started monitoring the sleep habits of the princesses quite closely (almost stalker-like, wouldn't you say?).
Unfortunately for our princesses, this story doesn't end well for them. The step-parents were very persistent and, despite their extreme fatigue during this ordeal, they overcame the will power of the beautiful girls. Our princesses were forced to sleep long hours at times when they wanted to play and smile (which only angered the step-parents...although they concealed it well by smiling back at the princesses...clever buggers). Our tale comes to a tragic ending with the princesses sleeping for 6 and 8 hour chuncks. (...in the name of the sweet baby Jebus...amen )
Again...any resemblance to real people is purely coincidence.
This is an artist's rendition of one of the princesses at 3am with an evil step-parent.
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