Monday, April 20, 2009

Greed and Wieners

First thing's first. Daddy says he is greedy and wants more followers on his blog. He says he is going to make his blog private so that only followers can see people, sign up for a free google account here and become a follower before it's too late!!!!

Secondly, Daddy says he is glad we are not boys (until we are teenagers...not sure what the hell that is supposed to mean). He told us a little tale to make sure that we understand the true nature of the male species.
There is a small group of seven year old boys. This scenario in itself can sometimes lead to hijinx. Now for some reason, these boys are unsupervised (we aren't sure how long they were unsupervised but it was obviously too long). This compounds the hijinx that can be had and elevates it to mischief. Throw in a trampoline amongst these unsupervised male children of our species and you have yourself a recipe for ridiculousness.
Picture this: you have a trampoline...what better way to occupy the time of hyper-active 7 year old boys? Unfortunately, you have some other issues to attend to and so you quickly go inside thinking, "They are all playing nicely...I'll be right back out in a minute." Too long, sucker. By the time you make it back out, they are all on the trampoline together with one slight difference. One of the boys has convinced the others (with an enormous amount of coaxing, no doubt), that they should all remove their pants and underwear so that they can look at their wieners bouncing around as they jump on the trampoline.
You stand there in awe, not really knowing what to say. Do you burst out laughing? Can you be charged in some way for this incident? Is there some form of discipline in order? And if so, exactly how bad is this infraction? Is it a time out? Grounding? Lashes on the bare ass? Tough call. Let's start by getting them to put there clothes back on and go from there.
Daddy says that the male brain doesn't change much from this point until 40 years old and that we should just steer clear of them. He also says that those bouncing dinkys can sting us and that if we ever see one up close, we should find a knife (or at least run the other way quickly).
Thank goodness we're girls.


  1. Well, my wee dubs, DubNana is terrified to ask, but is this tale based on truth? Or maybe she'd best not know. Suffice to say I, too, am glad you're not boys. :)

  2. I found a grammatical error! HAHAHAHA

  3. Alright, I fold....I've got an account. I can't do without this humour!! Btw, is this non-fiction???? Mental not move to O-ville...
