Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tree, bush or crying baby (or something else entirely)

Mommy came flying into our room last night at about 3am (mildly startling daddy). My sister almost crapped herself (that would have been embarrassing). Apparently, this mad dash into the nursery was caused by 'baby-in-distress' noises which were actually coming from our backyard. A couple of cats were having a bit of a territory war near our basement steps. Upon discovering that my sister and I were both sound asleep (amazingly), mommy and daddy went to examine the remarkably 'baby sounding' noises coming from the cute little pets-of-lucifer.

Daddy decided that this was his turf and he'll be damned if some mangy animals were going to stake claim to it. After "marking his territory" (so to speak), he went to get rid of the demons and quickly discovered that one of them was not the brightest cat in the world. When daddy made the standard 'scare a cat' noise (a sort of loud hissing), one of the cats bolted for the side fence and escaped through a hole. The second cat, however, made the confusing decision to run down the stairwell to our basement door, thereby trapping itself in a dead end. This cat escaped certain death purely by the luck of the fact that our dog is a pansy and doesn't have the balls to go into a stairwell after the devil with whiskers (yes, I know it's been a while since you heard a 7 month old refer to a dogs testes).
After laughing about the moronic cat, mommy scolded daddy for peeing around the backyard (to which daddy responded that "it was dark...nobody saw" and they went back to bed to wait for our demands to eat (again). Stupid cats...

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